Let me clarify and explain each part of the flowchart step by step in detail:

1. Starting Input Signals

     Bridge Console and Engine Room Console:

  • These are two primary control locations for starting the engine. The Bridge Console is usually for remote operation, and the Engine Room Console is for manual/local control.
  • Change Over Switch: Allows switching between the two control systems (bridge or engine room) to ensure only one control station can operate the engine at a time.

2. Programme Controller

  • Once the control station is selected via the Change Over Switch, the Programme Controller initiates the engine starting sequence.
  • Signal for Starting Direction: This signal ensures that the engine will rotate in the correct direction (ahead or astern).

3. Air Start Programme

  • Before the air is supplied to start the engine, some safety checks are confirmed:
  •  Turning Gear Out: Ensures the turning gear is disengaged (the turning gear is used to rotate the engine manually during maintenance).
  • Starting Direction Ok: Confirms the correct engine direction is set (ahead or astern).
  • Starting Air Pressure Ok: Verifies that the air pressure in the air receivers is sufficient for starting the engine.
Once these checks are “OK,” the Air Start Programme
releases Start Air to the Engine, supplying compressed air to turn the engine.

4. Fuel Supply and Start Monitoring

  • As the engine starts turning: Fuel Signal to the Governor is sent, which regulates the fuel injection into the cylinders.
  • If all conditions are safe: Fuel to the Engine is initiated, and the engine starts firing.

During this phase, two checks happen:

Safety Cut-Outs Ok: Ensures no abnormal conditions are detected.

Engine at Firing Speed: Confirms that the engine reaches the required minimum speed for firing.

5. Engine Speed Direction Programme:

  • After the engine fires successfully
 Engine Speed Direction Programme ensures the following:

Engine Speed as Directed: Confirm the engine reaches the required speed.

  • Running Direction Ok: Confirms the engine is running in the desired direction (ahead or astern).
  • Critical rpm Range: Ensures that the engine operates safely within critical RPM ranges.

6. Engine Fails to Start

  • If the engine fails to start:
  • The Air Start Programme stops air supply with Start Air Off.
  • This is a safety measure to prevent excessive air usage or engine damage.


This flowchart represents a structured, automated engine starting procedure with multiple safety checks. It ensures:

1. Correct engine direction.

2. Adequate air pressure for starting.

3. Safe fuel injection and critical conditions monitoring.

4. A fallback process if the engine fails to start.

This system is typical for marine diesel engines, where safety, control, and automation are crucial for reliable operation.
Let me know if you need further clarification on any part!

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